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Dmoz Listing services:

DMOZ is a large, categorized directory of websites , which is staffed by volunteers

Dmoz Listing services company bhubaneswar

DMOZ is known as open directory projects classified into different categories full of websites and pages. DMOZ is a directory, who provide listing free of charge. Google also use data from DMOZ directory for various results and all the search engines gives lot of importance to website who are listed in DMOZ.

Your website achieve a high PR if listed in DMOZ because DMOZ pages itself have high PRs. DMOZ is a large, categorized directory of websites , which is staffed by volunteers. Every website and page that is added to the directory has to be manually reviewed before it is included. One more important factor is that DMOZ is human edited directory and therefore it has low chances of getting a listing by using unethical or wrong methods.

Not all websites submitted to DMOZ get the approval. The most important reason of dis-approval in DMOZ is not properly going through the guidelines whereas submitting your website. ACS has gained specialization in Dmoz submission and successfully listed many websites to DMOZ directory.

Professional Seo Company helps you get listed in DMOZ directory for getting a higher rank and traffic in search engine.

Why you Choose us for DMOZ submission services:

• We have good information about the submission rules for DMOZ submission.
• We will find most appropriate category listing for your website.
• We create titles for your website that are reliable with DMOZ guidelines.
• We will give you screen shot of the submission done in DMOZ.

Don't have time or knowledge about DMOZ ?

Leave this task to our SEO experts. We have experienced SEO experts who have collected good information about DMOZ.

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