Software Testing Services:
Quality can arise from good testing, from good software development process, from good designSoftware and systems testing constitutes the most significant part of the technology deployment life cycle, but one that is also subject to most compromises in terms of resources and processes. Software quality is concerned with how well an application "meets its requirements" and also with how well it works for its users.
Quality can arise from good design, from good software development process, from good testing, or most commonly, from a combination of all three.
Good quality software often sells better and lasts longer and makes for better business than "not so good quality" software.
The main reason software test methods are used is that they are effective in reducing the defect content of software products. People ought to build high-quality software, but to make sure, you have to test the final product. And, programmers aren't perfect.
Testing saves lots of money -- some say as much as 100:1 over field-discovered defects
Need Automated Tools
Because the size and complexity of applications has grown so rapidly, "old style" methods of testing just don't work any more. In the late 1990s you really don't have the economic choice any longer NOT to consider test automation -- unless you don't want to test at all!
Manual vs. Automated Testing
You can do manual testing, but you'll find that it is difficult and costly and not terribly reliable or effective. In fact, if you are dealing with a complicated program at all, you'll virtually be compelled to do some kind of automated testing. Then, too, there are some kinds of analyses that you simply can't consider doing manually, e.g. code coverage analysis.
Testworks is a collection of software test tools that supports all of the major functionalities of most software test projects, including static analysis, metrics, test file generation, GUI testing, test management, test validation, branch and call-pair coverage analysis, etc.
TestWorks save us time and money
You can save 10:1 to 50:1 when you can find a defect and repair it before your product goes to the field. Admittedly, automated testing has some setup costs. Most organizations get into the positive pay-back period after two or three months of TestWorks use.
WhiteBox coverage testing
Sadly, without a really good metric to tell you what you have done and haven't done, you'll probably be badly under tested.
For example, even the best functional testers generally only hit about 30%-50% of the structure of the application they're testing. So, without coverage analysis it may be that upwards of 70% of your application has never been exercised at all when your product goes into field service.
Reliable software = Reliable Solutions
ACS understand the importance of Testing services and its implication. Whether the customer maybe of any type, In today's world of increasing complexity, and ever growing software based solutions, no one can survive if the testing services are not measured up. This is where ACS steps in. We provide you the necessary information and feedback to help you objectively understand and evaluate the quality of your system.